Monday, August 9, 2010

Feeling Rejected

Nothing really beats thinking that you're going to get laid in a weekend when plans fall through. Kind of disappointed when not one, but TWO lays decide to bail out on me...not sure why, but I guess they had plans or decided that pussy wasn't much of an importance for them. Not that I'm taking it personal, it just sucks when people tell you they're going to be down and you get yourself prepped up, all ready to suck cock and get yourself fucked right in the pussy, feeling that anticipation, when they end up not calling you at all. At LEAST call and say that you can't make it, you know? Common decency, which sometimes some people lack at time, I understand that...I'm just kind of annoyed at the moment.

So what does a girl do when she feels rejected? I guess it's time to heat up some popcorn, turn on the vibrator, and watch porn, the more cocks the better...I guess it's gonna be a slow one-woman show night, and no one to warm up my pussy lips for me...:-(


  1. I know exactly how you feel, it's my birthday today and had some lays lined up and what happens.......NOTHING, that's what happens. Hell where are you? We could hook-up!

  2. Happy birthday!! So sorry that your night didn't turn out so well...

    I wouldn't be able to hook up with you, but I can sell you some of my dirty panties with my cum, would that help? :-)


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