Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Update - Sorry Again!!!

Hello everyone...

Please accept my humblest apologies, kick me in the ass for not writing in this blog. I've lost the drive to write about my sexcapades, even though there has been a few other guys out there that I need to add in here!! It's been pretty rough the past few months, I lost my job and now I'm back to square one of trying to find a new one. Luckily enough, I'll be starting a new job again this coming Monday, so I need to find the inspiration to write again.

To be honest, sometimes I feel like what I write doesn't amount to anything to anyone. It's as if sometimes I feel no one really cares about what I write, or when I write. I feed off of attention more than anything else. If anyone else cares about this blog, please encourage me! It's hard sometimes to write about my experiences, sometimes it gets too overwhelming sometimes to write every single thing I I apologize again for this bit of a tirade...

Anyhoo...I'll start this back up again! I should be adding a few more posts, if anyone has missed me...I've missed you all too, I've just been in a bit of a funk, please forgive me...:-(


  1. You're an amazing writer! Keep writing!

  2. Thanks!! I've been keeping up, thanks for reading and the encouragement!!


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