Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Pet Peeve - Bad Penis Odor Can Make You Vomit??

Just a few days ago, I was talking to a gay friend of mine on Facebook, and he was telling me a very interesting story about a guy he had gone out with recently. Unfortunately, the date didn't turn out too well...

This friend of mine had told me that his date was HOT...All-American, clean-cut, preppy, you name it - then they went out, had dinner, then they ended up making out in his car, and THEN the guy opened his pants, asked my friend to suck his cock, and so he initiates...

My friend gets closer and closer...but something strikes him as strange...

Mainly because the guy he's about to suck cock on has really bad PENIS ODOR!!

So while my friend is trying to suck on this guy's cock, he's having a hard time doing it, mainly because he said that this guy's dick really smelled like rotten eggs, a really acrid and putrid smell. So he tries to hold it in, lets this guy CUM IN HIS MOUTH...

My friend finally goes home and ends up taking a shower, since he feels very disgusted over the whole incident, and while in the shower, he VOMITS!! His dinner and the guy's cum ends up all over his shower floor...and he swears it was the guy's penis odor that did it for him...ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!

A lesson learned for everyone: please keep your genitals clean at all times!! Who knows when you're going to have someone eating them!!


  1. Also if your planning on having your dick sucked do not eat asparagus 24hrs. prior to said event.
    As you may know it causes a horrific odor in your pee and may linger on the penis, not a pleasant experience for the sucker! Same goes for the ladies maybe moreso since someone face is buried in there.

  2. @ Stephen - I've heard about avoiding asparagus for 24-hours trick...

    What I do is drink a lot of pineapple juice for three days' straight before getting laid to make my cum taste extra sweet...:-)

  3. I drink mint tea...but sorry I do not suck if bad odor is present, signs of gonohrea or other STD...

  4. @ Anonymous

    I've heard that mint tea gives cum a great odor. And it's always a good idea to NEVER give oral if there are bad odors or signs of STDs in the genital region...


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