Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary, SC69!!

It's amazing that it has been a year since I've posted my first post on this blog. I find it very intriguing that there are people that come here day after day, wanting to read more about my exploits and intimate sexual moments, agreeing with me on rants about "normal" sexual behavior, sometimes butting heads with me on what a girl should and shouldn't do. It's all a part of perspective, a slice of my everyday life that I love sharing with all of you, even though many do know who I am, but it is nice to know that there are people paying attention to what you say, that there are people who are curious to listen and want to know more than what can be done with me under the sheets.

I would honestly say that I've been cyber-hit on so many times with this blog. It's a flattering experience, since in real life, I don't find myself being hit on very often, but then a lot of people are quick to judge when they first see you. It is hard to be looked upon as a sexual being when you have a baby face and look like post-college bait, seemingly optimistic and a naive idealistic view about the world. However, with being hit on, it's kind of disgusting that they all assume that I would sleep with anyone that crosses my path...which isn't true. I usually have to dig through the pile to find someone that I would be interested in, and it takes a lot of digging before I find that person that I may spend a day, a week, a month, or a year with...even with a one-night stand, I have to be picky, what can I say?

I do apologize that I left my last blog serial hanging. A lot of things have happened since then, such as a family member passing away, applying for school for a second undergraduate degree (which starts only a few months away!), and looking for a new job. I hope that within a few weeks, I can get myself to continue writing that blog, since it has been a while, and that there was more for me to write about that one's just too bad that the guy that I was with is now not in the picture anymore, I dumped his ass because he was too emotionally involved and I was too emotionally unavailable to give him what he wanted...which is why I think I can never sleep with a guy on a first date...

Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a little update. Thank you all for being here this past year, reading about my stories and rants, and I hope that you all will still be here to read more!!

I love you all!!


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