Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sex as Art

A few weeks ago, I had a discussion with a friend about the merits of sex being a creative outlet for human inspiration, and should be a valid artistic output in comparison to music, theatre, media, and the visual arts. Although human nature tends to look at sex as either a procreative act or a recreational act, no one can deny the fact that sex can be looked as another creative output to express emotions reaching the human soul.

What is art, you may ask. Art, in my humble opinion, is another outlet for humans to convey emotions without the use of words, or a human language. There are so many words in a language, but there are sometimes not enough words to fully express an emotion or capture a moment in time. It is a wave of momentary frames, ebbing in and out of one’s hindsight, and disappearing in a blink of an eye. And sex, at times, can definitely feel that way.

Think back to some of your best sexcapades. What was it about those sexcapades that you remember the most about? Was it the way you touched each other? Or the way she clasped you onto a bedpost and clamped your nipples until you cried, “mercy,” while dripping candle wax on your chest? Was it the way he brushed your legs with his hands? Or the way he slid into your pussy, slowly, while he intently stared into your eyes, locking for just one moment? All that, in my opinion, is art.

Art and sex can be connected to so much physical emotion that it can be overlooked, and sex can only be considered art if both parties are at one with each other – not necessarily that they are at one forever and ever, but at one for that one moment, both parties in sync, and they feel the same thing at that one moment in time, and not just the physical, but the emotional as well. I can admit, there were quite a few sexcapades where I didn’t feel the sex was art, but only a way to convey a physical need, selfishly wanting to ease each other’s sexual desire, rather than wanting that other person on an emotional level.

There are so many ways sex can and can’t be art, and it can differ from person to person. One person may see one form of sex as art, while another person wouldn’t. Just like art, sex can be controversial and can vary depending on the person. And sex, like art, can either be beautiful or ugly and unsatisfying, and all completely based on opinion.

In my eyes, there are many ways to have sex, but to have sex be an artform is a totally different venue altogether. All the stars may have to align, and the emotions and movements may have to be just right in order for sex to be considered an artform for me. Maybe I just need to find a sex partner who will be more than happy to help me make “sex art”…


  1. Fantastic post, art as sex, sex as art?! Its all rock'n'roll, its about expression, public expression, that is to say expressing your sexuality to an audience even if only an audience of one. I like sex and I like making art and I like making art about sex much more than I like making sex about art!
    Your blog is a great mix of both.

  2. @ Sexentric:

    Making sex an art is fantastic!! :-)


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